
But not too social...

Hey there! I have some fancy gadgets below (simply because I like fidgeting with HTML)...

But if you just want a simple guestbook, go here!

And if you want good old-fashioned email, send it to - thanks :]

This page is more of an experiment than anything else. Just wanted to try out those chat box thingies using Chattable! Who knows how long I'll feel like maintaining this lol

The Rules

❌ Please don't...

  • share sensitive personal information. I'm not google, I don't want that.
  • be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or just generally rude to people

✅ Please do...

  • promote your website (only if you want to)
  • tell me about music you've listened to recently
  • teach me something super random

And as always, remember...


You're on MY SITE, pal. I can ban you and delete your messages for anything I want whenever I want. YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS! MWAHAHA ~

But if you write lovely messages, then I shall treasure them forever <3